Cosmetic Treatments for Men

Get ready to shine with the men's beauty department at Ben Haydar Clinic. Discover the unique male beauty that suits you today!

In the men’s beauty department at Ben Haider Clinic, we are committed to meeting your needs and achieving your aspirations for the perfect appearance. Our team of experts offers outstanding services including skincare, hair grooming, beard trimming, and many other services specifically designed to meet the needs of the modern man. With our advanced techniques and high-quality products, you can enjoy a unique experience and noticeable results that make you feel confident and distinguished every time you visit our clinic. Discover unique men’s beauty tailored just for you with us today!

Why Bin Haider Clinic ?

Men's cosmetic clinic services

علاج التثدي عند الرجال في دبي

Gynecomastia Treatment for Men in Dubai

إزالة الشعر بالليزر للرجال في دبي

Laser Hair Removal for Men
in Dubai

تحديد اللحية بالليزر

Laser Beard Shaping
For Men

حقن البوتكس للتعرق في دبي

BOTOX treatment
for hyperhidrosis

علاج تساقط الشعر للرجال

Hair Loss Treatment
for Males

Top Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists in Dubai

hessa bin haider

Dr. Hessa Bin Haider

Expert Dermatologist

Hossein Abdali

Dr. Hossein Abdali

Plastic Surgeon